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An Unabridged Birth Certificate is a computer printout showing the full information of the individual as well as that of the parents or legal guardians.
A Birth certificate is deemed unabridged if both parents' details reflect.
The BI-24 is the birth registration document, also known as the VAULT certificate. Home Affairs will not issue an unabridged birth certificate unless this VAULT document is on file at Head Office.
Citizens under the age of 18 require this certificate (in addition to passports and visas) when entering or exiting South Africa.
If your child was born after 2010 the unabridged birth certificate is printed while you wait and you would not need us to expedite it.
We can only assist if you have a 13 Digit South African ID number for the person whose certificate you are requesting. In the absence of a 13-digit ID number we can assist if you have a copy of the Birth Register.
If you have neither the ID nor the Regitster, refer to the Search section under Info & Options
We have two Options available for Unabridged Birth Certificates.
Option 1: Expedite Only - You apply and collect, we expedite.
Option 2: Full Service - We apply, expedite and collect.
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